Boys, ranging in age from 6 to 14, can be considered for placement in the Boys Program. Boys will be considered without regard to race, religion, or socioeconomic status. Upon referral by a school counselor, psychologist, pastor, parent, or legal guardian, Ranch administration will require the parent or guardian to submit a completed application for the child. If the boy appears to be a good candidate for our program, an interview and pre-placement visit will be arranged. The pre-placement visit is a weekend visit to determine if the Ranch can meet the needs of the child.
If it is determined that the boy is a good candidate for placement with Ben Richey Boys Ranch the second part of the application process will be completed. This includes providing current dental and physical exams, immunization records, social security and birth records, and other required documents.
Remember, this is not only a big step for the family, the parent(s), and Ben Richey Boys Ranch, it is a huge event in the boy’s life! If you or your child has questions concerning the Ranch or any of our activities, both during the process and after admittance, please take the time to contact Ranch personnel to get an answer.

Step 1 of 5

Name Of Person Filling Out This form(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Basic Information For The Boy

Boy's Full Name(Required)